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Healthy place making: making an impact

4th March 2025, 10:00am - 11:45am , Online

This webinar hosted by the Healthy Places SIG will provide a brief introduction to healthy placemaking, share the findings and learning from two projects, focus on the theme of evaluation, continue the SIG's work to build the evidence base, and share the impact of healthy places' approaches.

The SIG will present two short case study presentations focused on two different but complementary approaches. Those involved will share their insights and learning. This will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session related to challenges of, and opportunities for, shaping health through place.

You can download the agenda here.

A short biography note of the speakers is available below.

Professor Sue Atkinson CBE MB BChir BSc MA FFPH 
Sue is a retired  Publc Health Physician and researcher. She was the first Regional Director of Public Health for London, and developed the role as Health Adviser to the London Mayor and GLA, introducing HIA to London strategies.  Sue chaired PHAST – Public Health Action Support Team – a not-for-profit CIC until 2024. She currently Chairs the Global Climate and Health Alliance.

Dr Rosie Rowe, PhD, MSc (Econ) BA
Dr Rosie Rowe is a public health expert in addressing the wider determinants of health.  She led the development of Healthy Place Shaping in Oxfordshire, as Programme Director of Bicester Healthy New Town, and then was employed by Oxfordshire County Council to scale the healthy place shaping approach across Oxfordshire, ensuring that healthy place shaping principles inform regeneration, new development, and recovery post Covid.

Dr Graham Bickler MSc, MRCGP, FFPH
Graham has had a wide range of senior public health leadership roles in the English public health system as a DPH, a Health Protection Agency Regional Director and a Public Health England Centre Director. As a PHAST Associate he has undertaken several public health consultancy projects for the NHS, LAs and other public sector organisations.

Prof Nick Cavill   PhD MPH FFPH FRSPH
Cavill Associates

Nick is a director of an independent public health consultancy, and an Honorary Professor at the University of Bath. He specialises in the development of policy and programmes on public health issues. While his major focus has been obesity, sustainable transport and the links to physical activity, Nick has also advised on topics as diverse as mental health; drinking water availability; young people’s social development and sport and social development. 

Cecilia  was a GP for over 20 years in Oxford. In 1999 she received a career scientist award and undertook reproductive health research in the Department of Public Health, University of Oxford. As an International Consultant, she focused on evaluating community participation health promotion programmes for USAID in many low and middle-income countries.  She led the Connected Patient programme within the NHS National Programme for IT.  In 2008 she joined PHAST and has worked since then on a series of public health projects including many evaluations and health needs assessments. She has contributed to national policy on a variety of initiatives to promote patient involvement in their care and well-being especially in relation to long-term conditions.

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