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Click here to download The Faculty of Public Health Diplomate Examination (DFPH) syllabus 

Please note that this syllabus has been reviewed in light of the 2022 Curriculum changes.

DFPH is divided into five sections. They are listed below with brief explanations as to their coverage.

Division of material into sections is only a guide; candidates should expect questions that draw together knowledge from different sections and should note particularly that inclusion of a subject area within one section of the syllabus does not preclude its use in a different section of the examination.

Although many public health practitioners will not need to be able to execute some of the more complex techniques described in the syllabus, they will need to understand and interpret results from them.

The syllabus was revised in 2013 to take into account an administrative change to Paper IIA and was reviewed again, with GMC approval, in 2016 to include reference to the new standard-setting approach.

Please use the drop down lists below to see more information on the different sections of the syllabus.


More information on the structure of the DFPH can be found here.


Diplomate examination (DFPH) Syllabus

Diplomate examination (DFPH) and Final Membership examination (MFPH) Mapping

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