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Training ePortfolio

About the ePortfolio

The FPH electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) system provides Specialty Registrars with a central platform for the management of information and documentation on progression of learning against the public health specialty training curriculum during their time in training. The ePortfolio allows trainees to relate documentation and evidence to the curriculum and incorporates the ability to record various sign offs.

To access the new ePortfolio please log in via the FPH Members' Portal, or if you are not a member then click here.

You can access the archived ePortfolio here.

The training ePortfolio is managed by the registrar who must reflect on and record their achievements on an on-going basis. It is intended to be used as a complementary tool to aid in the recording of training activity, and monitoring progression along with regular meetings with Registrars and their supervisor.

New ePortfolio guidance

On 30 September 2024, the FPH has launched a new ePortfolio. Faculty members can access it via the FPH Members Portal. We have produced a series of short video tutorials to support ePortfolio users navigate the new platform. 

Guidance for Registrars

Guidance for Supervisors

Become a Member

Become a Member

FPH is the professional home for public health in the UK and abroad. We support over 5,000 members across all career stages enabling them to drive the profession forward and achieve our vision of improving public health.

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