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Feedback from colleagues

At least once in each five-year cycle, a public health practitioner must collect, reflect upon and discuss at their appraisal, feedback from their colleagues. Some practitioners may wish to collect and reflect on feedback more often, especially where there has been a significant change in their scope of work. 

In collecting colleague feedback, public health practitioners should use a standardised questionnaire, which has been validated and is independently administered so that the feedback is anonymised. Several organisations provide access to suitable colleague feedback tools. Using them may involve a small fee. We have found that tools focusing on strategy and leadership skills and qualities, rather than ‘clinical’ skills and qualities, can often be more useful for public health professionals.  If you are in doubt about which colleague feedback tool to use, then please discuss the issue with your Responsible Officer or appraiser.

Colleagues who are asked to provide feedback must be chosen from across the whole of your scope of work, and you must chose your colleagues impartially.


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