CPD is one element of supporting information for revalidation. You can find more details about the FPH CPD scheme here.
It will be crucial that you undertake CPD which is both relevant and supports your complete scope of practice and most importantly that you take the time to reflect upon and learn from your CPD. The CPD which you choose to undertake should be relevant to achieving the objectives of your Personal Development Plan (PDP).
For revalidation, your appraiser will want to see evidence of the CPD you have done since your last appraisal. If you use the CPD online diary, you will be able to record your CPD activities and reflection there. Before your appraisal, you will be able to download three pieces of supporting evidence from the CPD online diary: your annual FPH CPD certificate, the list of CPD activities you did since your last appraisal and a selection of reflective notes that are linked to your PDP.