Faculty Advisers
Our elected Regional Faculty Advisers approve job descriptions, person specifications and adverts for new and replacement consultant level posts on behalf of FPH. This will involve discussion/negotiation with employers to ensure that the detail of job descriptions and person specifications is appropriate and meets agreed standards for good public health practice in accordance with statutory and other good practice requirements. They can also provide advice on public health careers and training.
FPH Guidance for Faculty Advisers
Approval letter for Faculty Advisers
Regional Deputy Faculty Adviser vacancies
There are currently Regional Deputy Adviser posts available in East Midlands and Scotland.
If you are interested in applying, please read Faculty Adviser post description and email your CV to aac@fph.org.uk
FPH Adviser – DMS
Robert Lindfield
Email: robert.lindfield100@mod.gov.uk
FPH Adviser – East of England
Abhijit Bagade
Email: abhijit.bagade@norfolk.gov.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser – East of England
Ravikumar Balakrishnan
Email: R.Balakrishnan@ukhsa.gov.uk
FPH Adviser - East Midlands
Kakoli Choudhury
Email: Kakoli.choudhury@ukhsa.gov.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser – East Midlands
FPH Adviser - London
Catherine Heffernan
Email: catherine.heffernan@swlondon.nhs.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser – London
Elaine Rashbrook
FPH Adviser – North East
Gill O’Neill
Email: gill.oneill@northumberland.gov.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser - North East
Ryan Swiers
FPH Adviser – North West
Sakthi Karunanithi
Email: sakthi.karunanithi@lancashire.gov.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser – North West
Cordelle Ofori
Email: cordelle.Ofori@manchester.gov.uk
FPH Adviser – UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
Mamoona Tahir
Email: mamoona.tahir@ukhsa.gov.uk
FPH Adviser – NHS England
Catherine Heffernan
FPH Adviser – South East
Kate Bailey
Email: kate.bailey@westsussex.gov.uk
Joanne Bernhaut
Deputy FPH Adviser – South East
Caroline Vass
Email: caroline.vass@brighton-hove.gov.uk
FPH Adviser – South West
Julia Chisnell
Deputy FPH Adviser – South West
FPH Adviser – West Midlands
Frances Howie
Email: f.howie@worc.ac.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser – West Midlands
Gordana Djuric
Email: g.djuric@nhs.net
FPH Adviser – Yorkshire and the Humber
Alison Patey
Email: alison.patey@hullcc.gov.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser – Yorkshire and the Humber
Julia Weldon
FPH Adviser – Northern Ireland
Stephen Bergin
Email: Stephen.Bergin@hscni.net
FPH Adviser – Wales
Caryn Cox
Email: Caryn.cox@btinternet.com
Deputy FPH Adviser – Wales
Llion Davies
Email: llion.davies2@wales.nhs.uk
Deputy FPH Adviser – Wales
Marc Davies
Email: marc.davies@wales.nhs.uk
FPH Adviser – Scotland
Andrew Rideout
Email: andrew.rideout2@nhs.scot
Deputy FPH Adviser – Scotland