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CPD diary and submissions

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The online diary is free to use for all members of FPH and to Associate members who are subscribing to the CPD scheme. It enables you to keep a record of your CPD activities and your Personal Development Plan (PDP) each year and submit your annual CPD return online. The online diary is the only way FPH members can record their CPD and make a submission - there are no 'paper' submissions. It is advisable to record CPD activities in the diary as they are completed rather than at the end of the CPD year.

The Faculty CPD year runs from 1 April to 31 March. All members in the Faculty’s CPD scheme are required to submit minimum of three and maximum of six CPD activities with reflective notes.

The deadline for your CPD submission is 30 April. However, submissions can be made anytime during the year when you have at least three good quality CPD activities with reflective notes.

Summary of the steps needed to make your annual CPD submission

(more detailed diary advice is available below):

1. Record your PDP objective(s) for the year in the “PDP Objectives” section. These are normally discussed during your last appraisal meeting.
2. During the CPD year, keep recording CPD activities and reflective notes in the “CPD Activities” section. Make sure the dates of the activities are within the current CPD year, otherwise the system will allocate these to another year. Make sure the activities you want to submit for return are linked to your PDP objective(s). Not all activities have to be relevant to your PDP objectives. You can record as many activities as you wish. 
3. You MUST submit your CPD return from “ Annual CPD Returns” section. (choosing 3-6 CPD activities in “CPD Activities” section is not sufficient)  
- Choose the current year and click on “DETAILS” button.
- Choose between three to six CPD activities by clicking “ADD” button and ticking the activities from the dropdown menu. Make sure these activities are linked to your PDP objective(s), otherwise they won’t appear in the dropdown list.
- Tick the box that you agree the submission to be part of annual review (compulsory)
- Submit your return by clicking “Submit CPD Return”.

Please note if any of the reflective note boxes are left empty, the system won’t let you to submit the return.

4. Download your CPD certificate and CPD activities/Reflective notes reports to use on our annual appraisal meeting from “Evidence for appraisal” section.

For further help please contact

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