FPH Policy Briefings
On this page you’ll be able to read our recently published Policy Briefs that were written by our Special Interest Groups to provide an insight into key public health issues being experienced within the UK and overseas.
Each brief provides an overview of the issue, highlights FPH's current work in the field and our current policy position. They also highlight current and proposed policies in the UK that are being put forward to tackle the relevant issue.
Finally, each brief lists FPH policy recommendations that set out some key actions that should be taken to help improve the situations of each of the public health issues.

Health Security: The Climate and Ecological Crisis
The climate and ecological emergency we currently face is the greatest threat to health ever faced by humanity.

Health Security: The Role of Health Protection
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of resilient public health systems in identifying, assessing, and managing public health risks. As the UK recovers from the pandemic, there must be a focus on planning for potential future pandemics, tackling antimicrobial resistance, and preventing a resurgence in vaccine-preventable diseases.

Living Healthier and Longer: The Role of Food
The quality, adequacy and accessibility of healthy food and healthy eating behaviours are critical to individual and community health and wellbeing, and are key factors in addressing health inequities.

Living Healthier Longer: The Role of Drugs
The UK, once a world leader in health-orientated drug policies, is now a world leader in drug-related deaths.

Living Healthier Longer: The Role of Alcohol
Despite the harmful effects of alcohol, it is widely accepted, available, promoted and advertised to such an extent it is difficult to avoid.

Living Healthier and Longer: Poverty and the Cost-of-Living Crisis
Poverty happens when the resources of a household fall well below their minimum needs; they are unable to heat their home, pay their rent, or buy essentials for their households. Poverty affects millions of people in the UK, including at least 3.9 million children.

The Public Health Workforce
Public health is a ‘multi-disciplinary medical specialty’ with a five-year training programme, and this is the standard route to becoming a public health specialist. Public health training in the UK Is internationally recognised as being amongst the best in the world, but there is a shortage of specialists and the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the critical importance of public health expertise.