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PHEMS SIG Workplan 2024

Activity: Explore new ways to cover Public Health (including SDOH) teaching within the undergraduate medical curriculum

Outcome: Publication; Annual (or more frequent) meeting for sharing good practice and developing network

Target date: January 2025, annually

Named lead: PHEMS Co-chairs

Progress to date: Topic of next meeting agreed (Who teaches public health/Generalism? And MLA). Date TBC.

Outputs: Meeting report, publication, blogs if suitable .

Activity: Faculty Development to stay up-to-date with medical education advances 

Outcome: Annual meeting, Email updates to SIG members

Target date: Ongoing

Named lead: PHEMS Co-chairs

Progress to date: Last meeting November 2023. Update will be provided at next meeting

Outputs: Meeting report, publication and podcasts where suitable

Activity: Changes to medical education in the UK eg. MLA exam

Outcome: Annual meeting. Email updates to SIG members

Target date: Ongoing until implementation of MLA in 24-25

Named lead: Ellie Hothersall

Progress to date: 


Activity: Explore ways to include public health competencies within the clinical components of medical school exams

Outcome: Publication; Annual (or more frequent) meeting for sharing good practice and developing network

Target date: January 2025

Named lead: PHEMS Co-chairs

Progress to date: To be discussed at the annual meeting in June 2024

Outputs: Meeting report, publication if suitable 

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