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SIG Workplan

Vision and aims

Our vision is to foster collaboration with public health institutions and workforce for knowledge exchange, standards, for public health impact.

Our three-year aims are:

  • To increase the membership of the SIG through both formal and informal channels
  • To have established trusted partnerships with at least 3-5 subnational/national public health organisations (academic, statutory and other agencies) with the aim to make an impact on public health in India
  • To explore interest in related countries – Nepal, Bhutan, Sri-Lanka and Bangladesh
  • To facilitate at least 2 joint workshops/conferences on topics of mutual interest per year
  • To share learning from other country SIGs


Activity: Work with Faculty to increase visibility of SIG to members

Outcome: Increase in membership

Target date: March 2025

Named lead: Co-chairs 

Progress to date: TBC

Outputs: TBC

Activity: Communications with institutes and organisations 

Outcome: Established collaboration for mutual benefit 

Target date: June 2025

Named lead: 

  • Active members
  • Co-chairs to write a standard letter template or email to ensure consistency

Progress to date: 2 links already formed – both at stage of working out what activities to include for collaboration. 

Outputs: 1 workshop planned for October/Nov 2024 with India institutes

Activity: Agree key topics that we may jointly review 

Outcome: A joint report /blog -thought leadership

Target date: Sept 2025

Named lead: Any interested member and possible registrar

Progress to date: NA as new activity

Outputs: At least 2  products

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FPH is the professional home for public health in the UK and abroad. We support over 5,000 members across all career stages enabling them to drive the profession forward and achieve our vision of improving public health.

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