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How to start a new SIG and FAQs for Chairs

As a learning organisation, FPH is keen to support the development of Special Interest Groups (SIGS). While we are not prescriptive about the topic area or work programme of any particular SIG, it is important that SIGs support the delivery of FPH’s strategy. To that end, the Advocacy & Policy Committee will assess all applications against our strategic priorities when determining the establishment of any SIG.

To set up your SIG:

  1. Complete this SIG Request Pro-Forma and return it to the FPH policy team at To help you complete this, it is a good idea to read the SIG Terms of Reference so you understand the governance arrangements and requirements.
  2. The policy team will then assess your application and pass it on to the Advocacy & Policy Committee for approval.
  3. Once / if the Advocacy & Policy Committee approves the SIG, the policy team will be in touch with you to discuss membership recruitment, governance, and the type of administrative support that the policy team here at FPH can provide for your SIG moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

Special Interest Groups are a crucial source of knowledge and expertise for the Faculty. Without SIGs we would not be able to develop policy and advocate for better health for all. These FAQs are designed to give you the answers to the most commonly asked questions relating to SIGs. If you have a question that we haven’t answered, please get in touch with the Faculty at

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