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Health Protection (Education and Training) SIG

The Health Protection (Education and Training) SIG has been established to support and promote access to high quality training in health protection for members of the Faculty. We have the following aims:

  • Serve as a forum for FPH members to discuss issues and share best practice in training and education in health protection so as to improve standards and training opportunities.
  • Enable members to collaborate on projects, such as audit and research.
  • Support the FPH Specialty Registrars Committee in responding to local/regional/national issues or consultations relating to the health protection aspects of specialty public health training.
  • Provide a representative to the FPH Health Protection Committee to provide a regular update on the work of the SIG and support the work of the committee via providing opportunities to volunteer for task and finish groups relevant to health protection.
  • Explore ways in which health protection education and training can be expanded in other forums (wider public health and healthcare workforce).

The Health Protection (Education and Training) SIG reports to the Faculty's Health Protection Committee.


You can reach the SIG Chairs at

How to join the SIG

FPH members can join this SIG by logging into their FPH members’ portal account, selecting the ‘Committees/SIGs’ button and choosing the correct SIG. You will then be asked to provide a few details, following which your application will be automatically approved. Further details on FPH membership are available here.

Public Health Specialty Training in Health Protection: A guide to current regional training placements and registrar experiences

This handbook has been developed by the Health Protection (Education and Training) Special Interest Group (SIG) to help support registrars in identifying the current opportunities for enhanced training in health protection across the different training regions. It is a live document and will be reviewed on an annual basis. If any changes to training opportunities are reported to the SIG in the intervening period, the document will be updated sooner to reflect these.

Health Protection (Education & Training) Workplan

Vision and Aims: The FPH Health Protection Education and Training Special Interest Group exists to support all FPH members with an interest in Health Protection to access opportunities for education and training in this area and to contribute to strengthening opportunities for others to access. Over the next three years we will continue to further the work of the SIG by providing a forum for FPH members interested in Health Protection to share knowledge, experiences and insights relating to Health Protection training and education, gather information and maintain records of opportunities for health protection training, and work with partners to promote equity of access to Health Protection education and training opportunities. This work will support the FPH's wider aims of supporting public health workforce development and improving population health outcomes.

Activity:  Continue to promote diversity in SIG activities and membership, including Four Nations involvement and cooperation.

Outcome: Organise and deliver a Four Nations health protection training day event, including a diverse range of speakers representative of the UK public health workforce.

Target date: April 2024

Named lead: Praveena Symeonoglou

Progress to date: Date, agenda, and speakers arranged; promotional material distributed

Outputs: Training day 18th April 2024

Activity: Promote CPD and knowledge sharing between SIG members.

Outcome: Organise and promote bitesize educational sessions to be incorporated into SIG meetings, including a diverse range of speakers.

Target date: Ongoing.

Named lead: Co-chairs.

Progress to date: Bitesize sessions organised for previous and upcoming meetings.

Outputs: Standing agenda item at each meeting.

Activity: Continue to expand membership of SIG to include and meet the training needs of FPH members from a range of professional backgrounds.

Outcome: Review of training needs for registrar and non-registrar SIG members. Results to inform SIG activities and structure

Target date: December 2024

Named lead: Co-chairs

Progress to date: SIG now open to FPH members from all professional backgrounds.

Outputs: Report to HP committee and UKHSA training faculty,


Activity: Identify, monitor, and address any issues related to health protection training and education e.g. opportunities, quality, access or disparities

Outcome: Share differences in ways of working and training opportunities in SIG meetings. Identify and address inequalities through directory of training opportunities. 

Target date: Ongoing 

Named lead: Co-chairs

Progress to date: Annual update of HP training handbook and reports on OOHs working and acting up opportunities.

Outputs: Annual update training Handbook and ad hoc reports


Activity: Support FPH Health Protection committee and UKHSA training faculty  in opportunities and projects which benefit SIG members’ development

Outcome: Agreement and completion of ad hoc bespoke projects

Target date: Ongoing 

Named lead: Co-chairs

Progress to date: Briefing paper on Health Protection for UK Political Party Conferences 

Outputs: Ad hoc projects across Four Nations


Activity: Contribute to consultations or forums which seek improve the standards of health protection education and training across the membership

Outcome: Contribute to reviews or forums aimed at highlighting educational and training needs.

Target date: Ongoing 

Named lead: Co-chairs

Progress to date: Comments submitted to Postgraduate Training Faculty on OOHs guiding principles

Outputs: Participate in next FPH Curriculum review and ad hoc consultations


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