Journal of Public Health

The Journal of Public Health (JPH) is the Faculty's academic journal, managed in collaboration with Oxford University Press. This peer-reviewed and widely respected academic journal, accessed by over 60,000 people every month, is aimed primarily at public health practitioners, researchers, policy-makers, and academics. The Journal publishes papers on the theory and practice of the whole spectrum of public health, with a particular focus on the translation of science into action, and welcomes contributions from FPH members and non-members alike on any aspect of public health research and practice.
All FPH members receive digital access to the Journal as part of their membership benefits, helping our global FPH community keep on top of the latest research in public health in the UK and around the world. If you are interested in contributing to the Journal, accessing journal content, or learning about opportunities to be more involved in the latest public health research and promotion, please visit the Journal of Public Health's website.
Call for Co-Editor in Chief
We are recruiting for a new Co-Editor in Chief. Co-Editors of the JPH play a major role in shaping the future direction of public health thinking and policy through the production and effective communication of new public health research, working together to lead all aspects of the publication, including managing a team of Associate Editors.
To apply, please email your CV and a short supporting statement to by 5pm on 25 October 2024. FPH Fellows are encouraged to apply – the role description is available here.
Call for Reviewers
The Journal of Public Health's Editors-in-Chief are currently seeking Reviewers to support with the peer-review process. To discuss the opportunity further, please contact the Faculty's Head of Communications at