The achievements of seven extraordinary FPH members and professionals from across the health sector have been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
The Health Committee recommended a knighthood for Professor David Haslam, chair of NICE, for his services to NHS leadership. He said:
"I was absolutely delighted to be knighted in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Whilst I am not what would be described as an active Public Health Professional – the centrality and value of Public Health issues are absolutely something of critical importance to NICE, the organisation that I am proud to have lead for the past five years."
Professor Robert Steele, Senior Research Professor at the University of Dundee, received a CBE for his work on the prevention, early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. He said:
“I was very pleased to be mentioned in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List as it is a recognition of all the hard work that has gone into the management of bowel cancer and the development of bowel screening across the UK. I am very aware, however, that very many people have made significant contributions in this area and I have been very fortunate to have been singled out for recognition. I therefore want to pay tribute to all my colleagues who have given so much of their time and effort in the pursuit of excellence in the prevention, early detection and treatment of bowel cancer.”
Dr Nick Gent, Senior Medical Adviser on Unusual Threats in the Emergency Response Department at PHE, received a CBE for services to health protection. He said:
“I’m delighted to be awarded a CBE for services to health protection. I’m particularly pleased that public health and health protection are recognised through this award as playing a vital role in the protection and promotion of the public’s health and welfare.”
Dr Andrew Fraser, Director of Public Health Science at NHS Health Scotland, received an OBE for services to healthcare. He said:
“I am surprised and delighted to receive an OBE; I will treasure it, and the contributions of many colleagues and friends who made it possible. This honour is about the people I work with, and the job we do. I want to thank everyone who is part of the communities with which I have been more closely involved - in NHS Scotland, Government departments and agencies locally, in Scotland and across the UK; with WHO Europe and Collaborating Centres for prison health, children and young people; in the prison services, and voluntary organisations including Obesity Action Scotland. This is in recognition of our achievements together. I especially wish to thank my colleagues at NHS Health Scotland – impressive people and public health advocates.”
Professor Charles Wolfe, Professor of Public Health, King’s College London, received an OBE for services to stroke and public health medicine. He said:
“I am delighted that stroke and public health have been recognised in this award. These are areas I am passionate about, as are the teams I work with who have contributed significantly to this success. As more people survive stroke the burden of care and support is increasing. There remain many challenges to finding and designing more effective ways of preventing stroke and our research will continue to work towards improving the health and wellbeing of patients and stroke survivors.”
Dr Ian Basnett, Director of Public Health and Associate Medical Director at Barts Health NHS Trust, received an OBE for services to Public Health as did Professor Carol Tannahill, Director of the Glasgow Centre for Population Health and Chief Social Policy Adviser, Scottish Government.