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Brexit and public health; policy, planning and preparedness

19th October 2020, 12:00am - 12:00am , Webinar - 14:00 - 16:00

The UK Faculty of Public Health invites you to join us for an emergency webinar on the prospects for a crash out Brexit and implications for public health and emergency preparedness. What will be the implications if a trade deal is reached before October 31st? And what happens if it is not? Either way there will be impacts on the health of the United Kingdom- in the short and long term. Join us to find out what some of the implications might be.

14:00Welcome and introductionMaggie Rae
President of the Faculty of Public Health
John Middleton 
President of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region, Immediate Past President FPH

14:05Brexit: the latest legal implications
• Clarify the latest legal implications for regulatory divergence / No Deal.
• Understand the emerging rules for the internal market.
Tamara Hervey
Jean Monet Professor of European Law, University of Sheffield
14:20Brexit: an update on public health implications
• Identify the implications for local resilience partnerships.
• Clarify the public health safety and security concerns.
May van Schalkwyk
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
14:35Brexit: the current food implications
• Understand the implications for food security and accessibility.
• Identify mitigations to improve food security and accessibility.
Tim Lang
City University
14:50Brexit: emergency responses: a view form Environmental Health

• Consider specific concerns of environmental health officers including food and water quality and safety, congestion and air pollution and civil protection issues

Gary Mc Farlane
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

13:05Panel Discussion and questions from the audience
• Consider concerns from retailers and transport companies
• Consider the potential for civil unrest and the need for emergency preparedness
Understand the differing issues as they relate to NI, Wales, Scotland and England.


15:45What are the next steps?
• Confirm the learning from the webinar
• Identify actions for public health and emergency planning colleagues
John Middleton

Aims of the webinar

  • Clarify the latest knowledge and evidence on Brexit as it affects the public’s health and wellbeing and the implications for a crash-out Brexit, or an exit with a Trade deal.
  • Identify mitigating actions for the UK public health system and emergency planning community

This webinar will be recorded. Recording will begin at the start of the webinar and end before the question and answer section. No delegate information will be visible in the final recording.



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