Diplomate Membership (DFPH)
Have you passed the Diplomate Exam (DFPH)?
By joining us as a DFPH member you will be able to connect to the professional home of public health and will be kept informed of our work as we support your professional development and campaign on public health issues. You will also gain opportunities to participate in this work through our specialist networks and events.
- Certificate & welcome pack: important information about your membership with FPH and a certificate of membership.
- The opportunity to join a Special Interest Group (SIG) and contribute to the FPH aim - to ensure that the world’s population achieves, and maintains, its fullest potential for health and well-being.
- Access to the CPD Diary
- Free online subscription to the internationally recognised, quarterly FPH Journal of Public Health.
- Post-nominal, you can use post nominals DFPH whilst you are a member of the Faculty.
- Voting rights, in elections of the Board, Vice President and President.
- The opportunity to join the EUPHA membership.
- The opportunity to join the CIEH Affiliate membership
- A monthly e-bulletin with updates on FPH, wider public health news, and opportunities to get involved.
- Opportunities to shape the future of FPH and its scope of work through policy development and committee involvement in education, policy and standards.
- Faculty of Public Health room hire for a small fee, please contact operations@fph.org.uk if interested in booking.
DFPH standard membership fees are £218 per year.
If you are earning under a certain threshold or living outside the UK and EU then your fees can be reduced. To check which fee applies to your situation please use our fee calculator below.
Diplomate Membership is available to those who have passed the Diplomate (DFPH) examination (previously known as the Part A Examination). Individuals do not need to be enrolled in higher specialty training or have a medical qualification to be eligible for this category.
Please see our Membership Terms and Conditions.
In December each year you will be sent your renewal letter, along with your invoice which is due for payment on receipt.
To apply, please contact membership@fph.org.uk.
Further information
If you have any questions, please call Membership on 020 3696 1460 or email membership@fph.org.uk