Women and multiple disadvantage
Staffordshire University’s Centre for Health and Development (CHAD) and the Faculty of Public Health co-host a series of webinars around health and social inequalities.
Colleagues are invited to the third webinar in this series, where attendees will hear about women and how they experience multiple disadvantage, covering topics such as homelessness and domestic abuse.
The guest speaker for this webinar is Louisa Steele, who has worked across women's specialist services and the homelessness sector in England for the past 12 years. Louisa has used this cross sector knowledge in her current role as Housing First and Homelessness Project manager at Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse, where she leads on an innovative Housing First partnership for women and works to improve services and systems for survivors of abuse experiencing multiple disadvantage.
This one-hour session will include:
• Chair's welcome (Fiona McCormack)
• Women and multiple disadvantages. Louisa Steele, Housing First and Homelessness Project manager at Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse
• Q&A
• Chair's concluding remarks
Details on how to join the online event will be emailed to all those who register in advance.
For queries, please contact Christopher Gidlow.