The Inverse Care Law in General Practice
17:00-18:00 GMT
During this one hour meeting organised by FPH's Primary Care and Public Health SIG, hear from Dr Becks Fisher on the Inverse Care Law in General Practice and why tackling this is as important now as it was when it was first defined by GP Julian Hart over 50 years ago.
The Inverse Care Law describes how, concerningly, people who most need healthcare are least likely to receive it. Becks will outline the extent of current inequity in the provision of general practice, discuss why ‘levelling up’ general practice is a key step to tackling health inequalities, and suggest next steps for Government and policymakers.
Dr Becks Fisher is a General Practitioner and Senior Policy Fellow at The Health Foundation, co-founder of Next Generation GP and 2022-2023 UK Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice.
This event is open to all.