Research and climate change
Time: 13:00
This event is a two-hour research seminar summarising recent research on public health and climate change within local government.
The event will include presentations from three projects which were funded by the NIHR Public Health Research Programme to help it identify key research priorities relevant for action by local government.
A research project undertaken by three public health registrars exploring the role of public health consultants in local government in tackling the climate and ecological crisis will also be presented.
There will be time for questions and answers and consideration of future research priorities during the session.
13.00 – Welcome from FPH
13.05 – Introduction and background from NIHR
13.10-13.30 - University of Manchester / University of Exeter – Dr Maria van Hove, Dr Peter Davey and Dr Anya Gopfert will present their qualitative study with public health consultants working in local government, “The role of public health professionals in the climate and ecological crisis”
13.30 – 13.50 - Lancaster University – Steve Dodd and Heather Brown, “Mixed method study exploring people's lived experience of climate change and barriers and facilitator to accounting for health and health inequalities in climate action plans by local government”
13.50 – 14.10 - York University – Hilary Graham and Laura Bojke "Priorities for research to support local government action on climate change and its impact on health: findings from a survey of directors of public health and a rapid review of evidence gaps"
14.10 – 14.30 - LSHTM, UCL and Greater London Authority – Sari Kovats and Emer O’Connell, "Priorities for place-based research for local climate action: how to include health in housing and spatial planning decision making for adaptation and mitigation”
14.30-15.00 – Question and answers
15.00 - Close