Public Health England Annual Conference 2019
Public Health England look forward to welcoming around 1500 participants to the Public Health England Annual Conference 2019, representing the wide range of organisations working together to improve the health of the public. Over two days there will be the opportunity to learn, share experience and network.
The five track conference programme will focus on some of the areas where we can collectively make the greatest improvements in health and reduce health inequalities.
The Faculty of Public Health will host one of the conference streams, with sessions including:
Means, ends, and ethics in the ‘culture of health’ agenda
Four nations. A unique insight into the UK public health systems and workforce
Building public health capacity globally
Improving health impact with dwindling resources: What is possible?
Developing the future public health workforce
Developing an approach to psychological support and community resilience after natural disasters and emergency situations
Further details about FPH sessions and a full conference programme are available via the conference website.