Part A Exam
Closing date for applications - 8th November 2018
Closing dates and fee payment
Closing dates are given in the current examination timetables, and they are absolute.
Applications received after 5.00pm on the closing date cannot be accepted, and no allowance can be made for postal delays or for candidates applying from overseas.
The requisite fee payment must be made or sent with your application form before the published closing date. Please reference how payment has been made on Page 3 of the application form.
Candidates withdrawing from an examination after the closing date and up to one week before the examination will normally be charged 50% of the fee.
No refund will be made to candidates withdrawing within seven days of the examination.
No refund will be granted without written notice of intention to withdraw.
A greater refund may be granted at the discretion of the Academic Registrar under exceptional circumstances.