Modern Slavery: Causes, Consequences, Prevention
The Staffordshire University’s Centre for Health and Development (CHAD) and the Faculty of Public Health are delighted to invite you to this webinar with Robin Brierley, Executive Director of the West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network.
Robin will discuss how the West Midlands has now taken the public health approach to tackling modern slavery. This model is data driven and victim focussed whilst also ensuring prevention is consistently considered. He will examine the partnerships, responses and resources required to prevent the exploitation of vulnerable people and in the identification and rescue of victims.
Robin has worked in this field for many years and has developed and led nationally significant initiatives in prevention, supporting victims, and targeting the criminals who prey on some of our most vulnerable communities. This one-hour session will include:
- Chair's welcome
- Expert discussion of preventing the exploitation of vulnerable people and identification and rescue of victims: Robin Brierley, Executive Director of the West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network
- Q&A
- Chair's concluding remarks
For queries, please contact Fiona McCormack (