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Introduction to Public Health

17th September 2018, 12:00am - 12:00am , Woburn House, 20 - 24 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ

The aim of the Faculty of Public Health’s one day workshop, Introduction to Public Health, is to give people who are considering a career in public health a unique opportunity to learn more about the specialty from experienced public health professionals. You can expect to leave feeling inspired with a better understanding of the different career paths and job roles that are out there as well as first-hand advice from people who have successful careers in public health to help you follow in their footsteps.

An FPH member who attended last year's workshop said:

"I was already interested in the field and training, but the course made me want to apply straight away and get more involved with FPH. Thank you very much!"

86% of attendees to last year’s course said their expectations were met regarding the content of the course.

92% of the attendees also said that they would recommend the course to a colleague.

Attendees also valued the chance to speak experienced public health professionals in order to gain an insight into public health community and the important role it plays in population’s health.

The workshop sessions will include:

  • Introduction to Public Health: Learn about what Public Health is, the key organisations and relationships in the Public Health community

  • Where and how Public Health specialist and practitioners work: Find out more about the different settings you can work in, the opportunities available and the sorts of roles training in public health can make available to you

  • Applying for a Specialty Registrar post: How to apply for a role on the training scheme, what routes are available and the requirements for these routes.

  • Communicable Disease exercise: Gain an understanding of the methods and tools used in the managing of a communicable disease.

  • Critical appraisal of an epidemiological research paper: Learn how you identify the strength and weaknesses of a research paper to assess its usefulness. 

Agenda for the day:

9:15-9:45: Introduction, Dr Ellis Friedman
9:45-10:25: Introduction to Public Heath, Dr Zakyeya Atcha
10:25-10:45: Short refreshment break and a chance to chat to fellow attendees
10:45-11:15: Where and How Public Health Specialist and practitioners work, Dr Ellis Friedman
11:15-11:40: Define Specialist Route, Steve Maddern
11:40-12:30: Process for applying for a specialist registrar post, Dr Zakyeya Atcha
12:30-12:45: Panel discussion
12:45-13:15: Networking lunch
13:15-14:45: A critical appraisal of an epidemiological research paper, (GROUPS), Dr Zakyeya Atcha, Mr Steve Maddern, Dr Ellis Friedman
14:45-15:00 Break & refreshment
15:00-16:30: Communicable disease exercise, (GROUPS), Dr Zakyeya Atcha, Mr Steve Maddern, Dr Ellis Friedman
16:30-16:45: Closing Remarks, Dr Zakyeya Atcha

Information about the speakers:

  • Dr Zakyeya Atcha, Training Programme Director for Public Health in Cumbria & Lancashire Consultant in Public Health Medicine
  • Dr Ellis Friedman, Service & Academic Consultant in Public Health, Treasurer Faculty Public Health
  • Mr Steve Maddern, recently appointed Consultant in Public Health

Meet our facilitators

Benefits include:

  • Learn more about the varied roles of PH professionals from perspectives of PH Consultants
  • Take part in a Communicable Disease exercise and the Critical Appraisal of a PH research paper to gain an understanding of the types of skills and approaches that consultants uses to tackle
  • Public Health issues everyday
  • Valuable insights for GPs and researchers into how PH knowledge and the skills that could help in their jobs
  • Tools, tips and exercises to help you take the next step in your career or support others in theirs

All attendees will get 1 years free Associate membership with FPH. Benefits include:

  • Receive invitations to FPH's regional and national event and networking opportunities
  • Be kept informed of our work, as we quality assure standards, support continuing professional development and campaign on public health issues
  • Receive a monthly e-bulletin with updates from us, wider public health news, and opportunities to get involved with FPH 
  • Get priority access to pre-launch copies of FPH publications on public health issues, including climate change, obesity, smoking and alcohol
  • Receive invitations to FPH's regional and national event and networking opportunities
  • The opportunity to get more involved in our policy campaigns

For more information about the workshop or to ask questions, email the Education & Training team at

*The Early Bird offer is subject to availability and may be withdrawn without prior notice before the end date


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