Inequalities in Preconception Health: Joint Lunch and Learn with UK Preconception Early and Mid Career Researchers Network
Members of the FPH Health of Women and Girls SIG identified inequalities and preconception health as key priority areas for the SIG's work. During this session, we will hear from three experts in this field:
- Dr Danielle Schoenaker, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Southampton whose post-doctoral fellowship is building the case for preconception care in primary care;
- Dr Majel McGranahan, a Public Health Registrar and MRC Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Warwick whose PhD explores preconception health and contraceptive access among migrant women;
- Dr Jenny Hall, a Clinical Associate Professor at the UCL Institute for Women’s Health and Consultant in Public Health Medicine whose research is around pregnancy intention, preconception care and the detection and management of unplanned pregnancies.
Session aims
The session will be split in two halves. The aim of the first 45 minutes is to:
1) Learn what preconception health is, why it matters, and how it may contribute to health inequalities;
2) Discuss how to tackle inequalities in preconception health and care;
Then an option to stay on a further 45 minutes to:
3) Identify potential areas for collaborative working for those interested in future SIG project work in this area.