FPH Scotland Conference 2019 - Social Justice in Public Health
What is happening?
This is an important time for public health in Scotland with a major national reform programme, new national priorities and ever increasing demand on our health services. At the same time the major public health challenges of inequality, drug misuse, abuse and violence continue.
What’s the plan?
This year we wish the conference to focus on social justice and within that to consider how to maximise prevention to improve health life expectancy across the whole population.
So how can I help?
We want to encourage you to join the discussion on social justice including the needs of vulnerable groups, ways of improving access to preventative care and addressing the determinants of inequality. There will be world-class key note addresses on social justice, mental health, young people and prevention of chronic disease as well as discussions on the reform programme. We also hope there will be presentations and thinking about how we manage capacity and demand for public services taking into account need, human rights and effectiveness. There will be sessions and workshops on ensuring Health in All Policies and impact assessments.
Why should I join in?
The conference will be a time and space to share our learning, present and discuss new ideas and debate how we ensure everyone in our society realises their right to the best health possible.
We are aware how busy everyone is in their day job but it is important we come together as people committed to social justice, people with an interest in the health of Scotland and people with knowledge and skills in public health to think, learn and plan for the future.