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FPH Anti-Racism Event

29th September 2020, 12:00am - 12:00am , Webinar

The tragic death of George Floyd has sparked worldwide anger at ongoing racial injustices in countries across the world, including the UK. These inequalities have only been further highlighted by the disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 on people from Black, Asian and other ethnic minority groups. We must see this as a call to action, challenging our own unconscious biases, ensuring that we are not silent bystanders to racism and becoming actively anti-racist in our public health practice.

The Specialty Registrars and the Faculty are together organising a half day online event for all its members. We are delighted that our key-note speaker is Professor Kevin Fenton FFPH, Public Health England’s Regional Director for London and lead author of the review into the impact of COVID-19 on BAME communities. The event will also involve interactive workshops, allowing us to reflect upon and challenge our own practice.

We invite you to join us for a challenging event which aims to ensure that we as public health professionals embed anti-racism into the heart of our own practice.

Embedding Anti-Racism into Public Health Practice: Programme
09.00 - 09.15Introduction
Specialty Registrars
Fatai Ogunlayi, West Midlands
Beth Smouth, South West

Professor Maggie Rae PrFPH FRSPH FRCP (Hon) FRSM
Faculty of Public Health
09.15-10.15Keynote address
Professor Kevin Fenton
Public Health Regional Director for London, Public Health England
Intersectionality: Theory and practice
Fatai Ogunlayi and Helen Erswell

Unconscious Bias: Recognising it in ourselves, challenging it and moving forward
Samia Latif, Assistant Academic Registrar, Faculty Public Health
CoChair BAME Network, Public Health England

Diversifying our workforce
Laura Austin-Croft and Fran Bury

Inclusive practices and empowered communities: How can public health effectively engage with community strengths and resources in addressing exclusion?
Helen Johnston and Karim Mitha
Intersectionality: Theory and practice
Fatai Ogunlayi and Helen Erswell

Unconscious Bias: Recognising it in ourselves, challenging it and moving forward
Samia Latif, Assistant Academic Registrar, Faculty Public Health
CoChair BAME Network, Public Health England

Diversifying our workforce
Laura Austin-Croft and Fran Bury

Inclusive practices and empowered communities: How can public health effectively engage with community strengths and resources in addressing exclusion?
Salman Waqar, Helen Johnston and Karim Mitha
12.00 – 12:45Plenary session
Dr Nisreen Alwan
Associate Professor in Public Health, University of Southampton
12.45 - 13.15Summary and close
Summary of workshops

Launch of new Special Interest Group

Closing remarks
Professor Maggie Rae PrFPH FRSPH FRCP (Hon) FRSM
Faculty of Public Health

To book a place on this event please email .

Bookings will close at 08:00 on the day of the event.

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7th Feb 2025 - 10:00am , Royal College of Psychiatrists (London) & Online
Healthy place making: making an impact
4th Mar 2025 - 10:00am , Online
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