Faculty of Public Health Scotland 2022 conference
After the massively challenging impact of the COVID pandemic on public health and on our workforce, it is timely to now share our broader vision and bolder ambitions, embracing wide engagement of partners with a more determined focus than ever, so that we can achieve more than the most essential improvements required for the health of people in Scotland. Our 2022 Conference offers the ideal opportunity for us to collaborate in determining the shared pathways to achieving our realistic aspiration of healthier lives and fairer futures for all.
In 2022, we can look back with pride on the fifty years existence of the Faculty of Public Health and anticipate even greater achievements for the next 50 years. We can learn so much by sharing our recent and more distant experiences; to celebrate our many successes and to understand why our efforts have sometimes failed to realise the potential gains we had hoped for in public health.
Looking as far as 50 years forward into our future, we can all recognise that the global threats to public health must be addressed now, and the opportunities that must be taken, alongside ongoing consolidation of our efforts in local community health protection and development.
Our national public health conference in 2022 will explore the bold and ambitious strides in public health that will lead to sustainable transformation of our country so that health is valued as a human right for all, and wellbeing is counted as one of our greatest assets. The themes for our FPH 2022 conference reflect this wide-ranging focus, our keynote addresses will inspire and support us in building a shared future that truly values the asset of public health. And through our presentations, posters and workshops we can each add our own voice to the pooled expertise of our Faculty of Public Health, its partners, and stakeholders, while enjoying the companionship and support of those who share our values and aspirations.
Cost of attendance is £125 + VAT.
We look forward to seeing you in May.
Dr Julie Cavanagh, Convenor of FPH in Scotland
Professor Maggie Rae, President of the UK Faculty of Public Health