Distinguished Lecture Series: 28 years of COP – what does it mean for action on climate change and the role of public health?
The Faculty of Public Health is presenting the third of our series of distinguished lectures focussing on the future of public health.
We are delighted to announce that we will be joined by Dr Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health at the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Dr Neira has had a glittering public health career working in many countries and will speak about the COP process and what it means for future action on climate and health.
Dr Neira will be joined by a distinguished panel to discuss this pre-eminent public health issue, including:
- Professor Kevin Fenton CBE, FPH President
- Professor Mala Rao CBE, Director of the Ethnicity and Health Unit, Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College London and Chair, Expert Group on Climate Change and Health, WHO South East Asia Region
- Professor Paul Johnstone, Chair of the FPH Climate and Health Committee
- Deborah Harkins, Director of Public Health, Calderdale Council
- Maria van Hove, Public Health Speciality Registrar
The biographies of all speakers are available here.