Chemsex: An overview for public health professionals
The term “chemsex” typically describes the use of some combination of methamphetamine, g-hydroxybutyric acid/g-butyrolactone (GHB/GBL) and synthetic cathinones (e.g., mephedrone) by men who have sex with men to facilitate or enhance sex, often with multiple partners who may be identified through geosocial networking applications.
This webinar, hosted jointly by the Faculty of Public Health Drugs Special Interest Group (SIG) and Sexual and Reproductive Health SIG, will provide an overview of chemsex practice as it relates to public health, focusing on harm reduction, sexual health, and the role of the LGBTQ+ voluntary and community sector in supporting people who participate.
- Patriic Gayle, Gay Men's Health Collective
- Dr Steven Maxwell, University of Glasgow
- Dr Dean Connolly, Co-chair of the FPH Drugs SIG; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine