Building Back Better in Primary Care and Public Health webinar 11: New voices: an informal sharing of experiences working in new roles
Wednesday 7 September, 12.00 to 13.30.
Will have a world café format with a number of speakers for 5-10 mins each.
Following our tenth webinar of the Building Back Better in Primary Care and Public Health series, we invite members of the SIG to join an informal catch-up to discuss what work you are engaged in and how the SIG could support you.
We hope this will be a chance to build links across the SIG, share ideas of how public health and primary care could collaborate, and brainstorm ideas of how to address any challenges you are facing in your unique roles.
The meeting will last for around 1 ½ hours over lunchtime so please bring your (virtual) sandwiches, soup or lunch and login to hear more.