Build Back Better: Inclusion, Integration and Innovation
The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) has organised a summer scientific meeting at Glasgow on 9–10 June 2022. This will be their first in-person meeting since 2019. In November 2021, Glasgow becomes UK’s first city to achieve EarthCheck Benchmarked Community status.
The conference theme is ‘Build Back Better: Inclusion, Integration and Innovation’. To help set the scene, there will be a keynote address from Professor Maggie Rae, President of the Faculty of Public Health (FPH).
BASCD is now in partnership with FPH and acts as the special interest group for oral health. This year is the 50th anniversary of FPH, and BASCD has arranged a special celebration during the presidential dinner at the Merchants House. The social programme includes a bagpiper, highland dancing, Chinese dancing, and a ceilidh.
During the conference, there will be two poster prize competitions (£200 each). Closing date for abstracts submission is 9.00 am on Wednesday 20 April 2022.
CPD allowance has been approved by NHS Education for Scotland. General dental practitioners in Scotland, whose NHS earnings bear 90% or more to the total earnings, are able to claim the following CPD allowance:
Thursday 9 June 2022 – 1 session (£231.10)
Friday 10 June 2022 – 1.5 session (£346.65)