Air pollution & Climate Change: two sides of the same coin
Monday 24 April
14:00-16:00 UK time
Join us for a webinar where the links between air pollution & climate change will be discussed and the co-benefits of interventions addressing both problems from a public health perspective will be explored.
This event will include an opening lecture by Professor Chris Whitty and Professor Kevin Fenton followed by a roundtable with many experts in the field of air pollution and climate change in the UK, which will be chaired by Professor Stephen Holgate.
Climate change can impact air quality and, conversely, air quality can impact climate change. Changes in climate can result in impacts to local air quality. Atmospheric warming associated with climate change has the potential to increase ground-level air pollution in many regions, which may present challenges for compliance with the air quality standards in the future. Emissions of pollutants into the air can result in changes to the climate. Ozone in the atmosphere warms the climate, while different components of PM can have either warming or cooling effects on the climate. For example, black carbon, a particulate pollutant from combustion, contributes to the warming of the Earth, while particulate sulphates cool the earth's atmosphere.