The Global Health Committee is a standing committee of the Board and is chaired by Dr Elizabeth Mason.
The committee’s vision is to promote multidisciplinary, competency-based public health development globally through the organised efforts of FPH members.
Aims and objectives
- To increase and support the international membership of FPH
- To promote and facilitate the work of the internationally-facing special interest groups
- To advocate for and contribute to international action to address global health challenges
- To mobilise FPH education, standards and professionalisation capability for global public health workforce development
Further information about the work of the Global Health Committee is available from Caroline Wren, secretary to the committee (
Linked special interest groups
FPH has a number of country, regional and topic-based special interest groups (SIGs) which actively support delivery of the Faculty's global health work:
- Africa
- Europe
- Disasters & Humanitarian Response
- Global Violence Prevention
- India & Related Countries
- Non-communicable Diseases in Global Health
- Pakistan
- Sudan
- Yemen
Click here for further details about the SIGs. Membership of the SIGs is open to all FPH members and associates.
FPH international membership
About 10% of the Faculty’s members live or work overseas in over 60 different countries. The Faculty has a range of membership categories which are open to individuals overseas, including international practitioner member.
Full details of the different categories, including the benefits of membership and subscription rates can be found at membership.
The Global Health Committee supports the development of equitable global health placements for registrars. Please see the guidance document Global Health Placements which sets out the benefits and evidence base for such opportunities, as well as providing helpful tips and guidance to assist public health registrars, potential supervisors and host organisations, and Heads of School/TPDs.
FPH international organisational links
FPH is a member of the following organisations:
• European Public Health Association - EUPHA is an umbrella organisation for public health associations and institutes in Europe. The Faculty’s membership of EUPHA offers a range of benefits for its own members, including free online subscription to the European Journal of Public Health, discounted registration fees for all European Public Health conferences and the opportunity to participate in all EUPHA activities.
• Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region – ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
• World Federation of Public Health Associations – WFPHA is an international, non-governmental organisation composed over 100 national public health associations and representing around five million public health professionals worldwide. Its mission is to promote and protect global public health.